企業理念Company Philosophy
Exceed your expectations.
Become the most loved CF Maker in Japan.
私たちのビジョンOur Vision
Our aim is to be a group that delivers 120%
of our customers' wishes.
私たちのアクションOur Action
- 品質と安全が何よりも大事 Quality and Safety are Paramount.
- 豊かになるためのスピーディーな行動We act swiftly to enrich ourselves.
- 情報を共有しチームワークで良い仕事 We share all information and collaborate as a team to deliver excellent work.
- 関わる方すべてを我が社のファンに We turn everyone involved with us into fans of our company.
- 高い志で自分をいつでもアップデート We hold high aspirations and continually update ourselves.
【日本一愛される検具屋】になるためにHow to become the most loved CF maker in Japan?
- 気持ちの良い挨拶をするGive a pleasant greeting.
- 検具製造を熟知するBecome familiar with CF manufacturing.
- お客様の製品づくりを熟知するFamiliarize yourself with customer product manufacturing.
- お客様のニーズ、要点を見極めるIdentify customer needs and key points.
- お客様の予算を見極めるDetermine the customer's cost.
- 隣り合う製造工程、部署と情報共有、連携するShare information and collaborate with adjacent manufacturing processes and departments.
- 前向き、感謝、助け合う、認め合う、諦めないBe positive, be grateful, help each other, accept each other, and don't give up.
- 自分の製造スキルをアップデートするUpdate your manufacturing skills.
- 新しい製造スキルを身に着けるLearn new manufacturing skills.
- 自分をマネジメントするManage yourself.